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2017-04-19 13:52 来源:周周向上 作者: 周永峰


案例名称:Stabilization of Mercury in Waste Material from the Sulfur Bank Mercury Mine, Lake County, California


术语说明:①本案例在环保部发《污染场地修复技术目录(第一批)》(污染场地修复技术报告:第一批)的异位固化稳定化技术中有涉及,如翻译与其不一致,请以该文件为准;②本案例涉及大量柱浸试验术语,其中多次出现与试验结果对比的“control”,按其中一处出现的“control column”暂统一译为控制柱,或为控制试验质量所用;如翻译不准确,请以相关标准或导则为准;③第二种技术所采用的Silica暂译为硅石,或可译为硅土、二氧化硅等;④以上理解或翻译如有不妥,请专家批评指正。




Site Name//场地名称

Sulfur Bank Mercury Mine Superfund Site


Lake County, California




Period of Operation//项目执行时间

November 15, 2000 to April 29, 2001

Cleanup Type//清理类型

Bench Scale//小试


Three stabilization technologies were used for immobilizing mercury in sulfide mine waste materials from the Sulfur Bank Mercury Mine (SBMM) site. The three technologies are listed below://采用稳定化技术处理SBMM场地硫化矿废料中的汞,共试验了三种技术,如下:


-- Developed by E & C Williams, Inc.//开发公司(略)

-- Uses inorganic sulfide reagent to target heavy metals. The treatment forms permanent bonds between the reagent surface and heavy metals//向目标重金属施用无机硫化物药剂,在药剂表面和重金属之间形成永久性结合

-- Used a proprietary sonic drilling rig to inject the reagent. Two rigs were used concurrently to inject the reagent directly into the waste pile at 15-foot intervals//采用声波钻机注入药剂,两台钻机同时工作,以15英尺间距将药剂直接注入废料堆

KEECO’s Silica Micro Encapsulation (SME) process//SME工艺

-- Developed by Klean Earth Environmental Company (KEECO)//开发公司(略)

-- Encapsulates metal in an impervious microscopic silica matrix, which eliminates the adverse effects of the metal on human health and the environment//将重金属封闭在不渗透硅石基质微观结构中,以此消除对人体健康和环境安全的不利影响//“ impervious microscopic silica matrix”如有更好译法,请指正

-- A modified ex situ process in which material is removed from its location for treatment at an adjacent on-site facility. The material is mixed with the reagent at the on-site facility and then returned to the site where it is replaced and compressed in place.//该工艺经调整后可原址异位实施,将药剂与受试材料在邻近的场内设施中混合,之后送回原场进行替换和压缩//通过下文判断,该工艺既可原位也可异位//此处或有问题,请指正

Generic Phosphate treatment//普通磷酸盐处理技术

-- Forms insoluble phosphate salts containing the contaminant//生成容纳污染物的不溶性磷酸盐

-- Phosphates stabilize metals by chemically binding them into new stable phosphate phases, such as apatites, and other relatively insoluble phases in the soil//通过化学结合将磷酸盐与重金属转化为新的稳定态磷酸盐(如磷灰石),或转化为在土壤中难溶的其他形态

Cleanup Authority//清理机构

-- EPA’s Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) program

-- Mine Waste Technology Program (MWTP)


Heavy Metals//重金属

-- Mercury: Mercury concentrations ranged from 312 to 1360 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) in the mercury ore and 130 to 447 mg/kg in the waste rock//汞:汞矿中浓度312-1360mg/kg;废石中浓度130-447mg/kg

Waste Source//废弃物来源

Historic mining activities at the site//采矿历史遗留

Type/Quantity of Media Treated//介质类型及处理量

Waste Material (quantity not provided)//废料(数量未提供)

Purpose/Significance of Application//目的与意义

To determine the effectiveness of three stabilization technologies for immobilizing mercury in waste rock material, thereby reducing leachable mobile mercury in the effluent.//确定三种技术对废石中汞的稳定效果,从而减少(湖泊)流出水中可浸出的移动态汞//effluent暂判断为克利尔湖的流出物(流出水),如有不妥请指正

Regulatory Requirements/Cleanup Goals//要求与目标

To achieve a 90% reduction in the total mass of mercury leached from each treatment (relative to the control) over a 12-week continuous column leaching study//在12周的连续柱浸试验研究中,每种处理技术的汞浸出质量(与控制柱相比)应降低90%


E&C William's ENTHRALL Technology//ENTHRALL技术

-- The ENTHRALL Technology was not effective in reducing levels of mobile mercury in the mercury ore columns//该技术未能有效降低汞矿柱中移动态汞水平

-- The total mass of mercury in both the particulate and dissolved fractions were similar to the control column//无论在颗粒态还是溶解组分中,汞的总质量均与控制柱相近

KEECO's SME Technology//SME工艺

-- The SME process was applied both ex situ and in situ and was effective in reducing mobile mercury (< 25µm)//SME工艺无论在异位还是原位处理中均有效降低了移动态汞(< 25µm)水平

-- The in situ process reduced leachability by 88% and the ex situ process by 86%, when compared to the control//与控制柱相比,原位处理工艺的汞浸出率降低了88%,异位处理工艺的汞浸出率降低了86%

-- Both the in situ and ex situ treatments achieved a 99% reduction in particulate-associated mercury, relative to the control//与控制柱相比,无论原位还是异位处理工艺,均使得颗粒态汞减少了99%

-- There was however a significant increase in the mass of mercury in the dissolved fraction (< 0.45 μm). The in situ applications showed a 198% increase in comparison to the control, and the ex situ showed a 238% increase//但溶解组分中 (< 0.45μm)汞质量显著增加:与控制柱相比,原位处理增加了198%,异位处理增加了238%

Generic Phosphate//普通磷酸盐技术

-- The phosphate treatment increased the levels of both the particulate and dissolved fractions (< 0.45 µm) over the course of the 12-week study//在12周的柱浸试验研究中,磷酸盐处理技术使得颗粒态和溶解组分 (< 0.45 µm) 中的汞水平都有所增加

-- The mass of mercury leached was high during the first two weeks or monitoring//在前两周(的试验)或监测中,汞浸出质量较高

-- The treatment accelerated the breakdown of the mercury ore material matrix and facilitated the release of particulates//该处理技术加速了汞矿基质的破坏,促进了颗粒态汞的释放

-- The rise in leachable mercury invalidates this treatment as a possible remedial alternative for the materials at the SBMM site//由于浸出汞增加,该技术无法作为SBMM场地的备选修复技术

Cost Factors//相关费用

E&C William's ENTHRALL Technology//ENTHRALL 技术

-- Estimated total operating cost for remediating the SBMM piles was $59,807,000. No cost for residual handling was presented because the technology does not produce residuals//采用本技术修复SBMM废石堆的总运行费用估算为5980.7万美元;由于不产生残余物,未发生残余物处理费用

-- The largest cost component, the chemical reagents, was $57,008,000 (93.5% of the total cost).//其中药剂费占比最高,为5700.8万美元,占总费用的93.5%//推测为2000年美元价,下同

-- The second highest cost, equipment, was $1,633,500 (2.7% of the total cost)//其次为设备费,为163.35万美元,占比2.7%

-- The remediation cost per ton of material is $27.82//处理单价:27.82美元/吨受试材料

KEECO's SME Technology//SME工艺

-- Estimated total operating cost for remediating the SBMM piles is $35,690,000. No cost for residual handling was presented because the technology does not produce residuals//采用本工艺修复SBMM废石堆的总运行费用估算为3569万美元;由于不产生残余物,未发生残余物处理费用//此处与后文的残余物处理费用可能有矛盾

-- The largest cost component, the chemical reagents, was $26,700,000 (68% of the total cost)//药剂费占比最高,为2670万美元,占总费用的68%

-- The KEECO technology requires residual handling, which costs $1,283,000 and constitutes the second highest cost item//该技术需要处理残余物,费用为128.3万美元,占比第二//此处与前文可能有矛盾,请指正

-- The remediation cost per ton of material is $16.60//处理单价:16.6美元/吨受试材料

Generic Phosphate//普通磷酸盐技术

-- Full-scale treatment costs were not provided. Based on the study results, further experimentation and product modifications are required before the reagent can be considered for use at the SBMM site//未提供足尺试验费用,从现有研究结果来看,该药剂在应用到本场地之前还需要做更多的实验和产品调整//因无法判定Full-scale是指足尺试验还是对应国内工程实施阶段,因投入使用前尚需调整,暂译为足尺试验


The Sulfur Bank Mercury Mine (SBMM) Superfund site is located on the south shore of Oaks Arm of Clear Lake, in Lake County, California. SBMM was mined periodically from 1865 to 1957, with open pit mining beginning in 1915. Starting in the late 1920s, heavy earthmoving equipment was used on a large-scale basis, which dramatically increased the environmental impacts of the mining. Various mining activities over the years have deposited large amounts of mercury in the Clear Lake ecosystem//阐述场地位置和历史背景:注意曾露天采矿且大量使用重型运土设备,导致环境严重破坏;长年累月的、各种形式的采矿导致了克利尔湖生态系统中沉积了大量的汞。

Two innovative in situ stabilization technologies and one generic phosphate stabilization treatment were evaluated in a treatability study, using material from the SBMM. The two innovative technologies were the ENTHRALL, developed by E&C Williams, Inc., and the Silica Micro Encapsulation (SME) process, developed by the Klean Earth Environmental Company.//本案例试验了两项改良原位稳定化技术(ENTHRALL和SME)和一项普通磷酸盐稳定化技术;所使用的受试材料取自SBMM场地。

The ENTHRALL technology uses an inorganic sulfide reagent, which forms a permanent bond between the reagent and the heavy metals. The reagent is injected using a proprietary sonic drill. The SME process encapsulates the heavy metals in an impervious microscopic silica matrix. The process can be conducted ex situ by first excavating the material and mixing it with the reagent at an adjacent on-site facility. The material is then returned to the site and compressed into place. The generic phosphate treatment stabilizes the heavy metals by chemically binding them into stable phosphate phases, such as apatites, and other relatively insoluble phases in soil.//ENTHRALL技术采用声波钻机注入无机硫化物药剂,与重金属形成永久性结合。SME工艺将重金属封闭在不渗透硅石基质微观结构中;该工艺可异位实施:在邻近设施中混合药剂与受试材料,之后送回原场并压缩。普通磷酸盐处理是通过磷酸盐与重金属的化学结合,转化为稳定态磷酸盐(如磷灰石)或在土壤中难溶的其他形态。

The ENTHRALL technology was not effective in reducing levels of mobile mercury in the mercury ore columns. The SME process was applied both ex situ and in situ and was effective in reducing mobile mercury. Both the in situ and ex situ treatments achieved a 99% reduction in particulate-associated mercury, relative to the control, but there was a significant increase in the mass of mercury in the dissolved fraction. The phosphate treatment increased the levels of both the particulate and dissolved fractions. The rise in leachable mercury invalidates this treatment as a possible remedial alternative for the materials at the SBMM site//ENTHRALL技术未能降低汞矿柱中的移动态汞水平。SME工艺无论在原位还是异位处理时均有效的减少了移动态汞;与控制柱相比,无论是原位还是异位处理,均使得颗粒态汞减少了99%,但在溶解组分中汞质量显著增加。普通磷酸盐技术同时增加了颗粒态和溶解组分的汞水平;浸出汞的增加使得该技术无法作为SBMM场地的备选修复技术。

The estimated total operating cost for the ENTHRALL and SME process technologies were $59,807,000 and $35,690,000, respectively. Residual handling costs were not included in these costs because the technologies do not produce residuals. Full-scale treatment costs were not provided for the generic phosphate treatment.//估算ENTHRALL和SME技术的总运行费用分别为5980.7万美元和3569万美元;由于这两项技术均不产生残余物,所以未包含残余物处理费用。未提供普通磷酸盐技术的足尺试验费用。





