The flue gas cleaning (FGC) project constructed by Huaxing East for combined heat and power (CHP) plant in Xiao County, Anhui started on December 16, 2021. The general organic waste are used as main fuel.
The plant constructed 1×100 t/h water cooled grate boiler with medium temperature and sub-high pressure + 1×7.5 MW back-pressure steam turbine. The FGC adopted rotary spray semi-dry method + slaked lime dry method + activated carbon injection + bag house filter + fly ash conveying, storage and stabilization process. It is an EPC project of Huaxing East.
Huaxing East's achievements in AhuiProvince include: Huaibei、Wuhu、Tianchang、Lujiang、Guoyang、Hexian、Xiaoxian、Wuwei、Huoqiu、Jinzhai、Hanshan、Tushan、Mengcheng etc.