近日,由中国电力企业联合会垃圾发电标准化委员会(以下简称“中电联垃圾发电标委会”)组织国内环保企业编制的《生物质电厂烟气净化工程技术规范》(DL/T 2423—2021)、《垃圾发电厂垃圾池技术规范》(DL/T2427—2021)、《危险废物焚烧烟气净化系统技术规范》(DL/T 2428—2021)、《焚烧炉及余热锅炉性能试验规程》(DL/T 2429—2021)、《垃圾焚烧发电厂安全生产评价导则》(DL/T2430—2021)五项具有垃圾发电特性的电力行业标准,已由国家能源局批准,于2022年3月22日起正式实施。其中《生物质电厂烟气净化工程技术规范》(DL/T 2423—2021)、《危险废物焚烧烟气净化系统技术规范》(DL/T 2428—2021)两项技术规范分别由我司主编和参编,是继华星东方主编的《垃圾发电厂烟气净化系统技术规范》DL/T 1967-2019发布以来,又2项与烟气净化有关的重要行业规范获批发布。
Recently,domestic environmental protection enterprises, which are organized by Standardization Committee on Waste-to-Energy (WTE) of China Electricity Council (CEC), compiled "Engineering Technical Specifications of Flue Gas Cleaning (FGC) for Biomass Power Plant" (DL/T 2423-2021), "Garbage Pool Technical Specifications for WTE Plant" (DL/ T2427-2021), "FGC Technical Specifications for Hazardous Waste Incineration" (DL/T 2428 -- 2021), “Performance Test Specifications for Incinerators and Waste Heat Boilers” (DL/T 2429 -- 2021), and “Safety Production Evaluation Guidelines for Waste Incineration Plants” (DL/T2430 -- 2021). These 5 electric-power industry standards with WTE acteristics have been approved by the National Energy Administration (NEA). They will be officially implemented on March 22, 2022. In these 5 specifications, the "Engineering Technical Specifications of FGC for Biomass Power Plant" (DL/T 2423-2021) and the "FGC Technical Specifications for Hazardous Waste Incineration" (DL/T 2428 -- 2021) are edited-in-chief and edited by Huaxing East respectively. Following the release of "FGC System Technical Specifications for WTE Plants" DL/T 1967-2019 edited-in-chief by HXET, two more important industrial specifications related to FGC have been approved and released.
链接:国家能源局2021年第6号公告Link: Link:Announcement No. 6 of 2021 of the National Energy Administration

In recent years, with the increasing number of operating biomass power plants and the expectation of electricity price regression mechanism, the standardization requirements for technology and management of biomass power plants are getting higher. The biomass power plant industry is in urgent need of scientific and thorough standards to help enterprises’ standardize operation and safe production.

"Engineering Technical Specifications of FGC for Biomass Power Plant " was drafted by China ENFI Engineering, Jiangsu Huaxing East, Anhui Yuanchen, CEPPC, and so on. Huaxing East has undertaken the drafting and writing of many provisions of this standard, which stipulates the process technical requirements of acid removal, denitration, dust removal, thermal insulation and fly ash conveying on FGC engineering for biomass power plants. The formulation of this standard will provide basis and standard for the FGC system engineering design of biomass power plant, standardize the design content and level, and promote the healthy development of biomass power plant.
“FGC Technical Specifications for Hazardous Waste Incineration” was drafted by China ENFI Engineering, BGE, Heading Environment, Wallstein Thermal (Beijing), HXET, Shanghai Lingqiao, Shenzhen Environmental Technology Group, and so on. The standard stipulates the requirements of quench cooling, deacidification, denitrification, dust removal, activated carbon adsorption, thermal insulation, fly ash conveying, and on-line monitoring of flue gas in FGC system for hazardous waste incineration. The development of this standard will regulate hazardous waste incineration projects and put forward detailed and feasible technical requirements for FGC systems.