The flue gas cleaning (FGC) project for Bazhong waste-to-energy plant Phase II undertaken by Huaxing East passed the completion acceptance on May 15, 2022.

The Phase I of the plant has been completed and put into operation. Phase II of the plant will construct a 600 t/d mechanical grate and a 15 MW condensing steam turbine. The FGC will apply SNCR + rotary spray semi-dry + slaked lime injection dry + activated carbon injection + bag filter + fly ash conveying, storage and stabilization process. It is an EPC project of Huaxing East.

Huaxing East's achievements in SiChuanProvince include: Dengshuang,Jintang,Longfeng,Ziyang,Bazhong,Guangyuan,Xuanhan,Zigong,Zhongjiang,GuangAn,Yibinetc.