The FGC upgradation and renovation project undertaken by Huaxing-east for Xianengxin waste incineration power plant in Jingxing, Shijiazhuang, began construction on February 20, 2023.

The total plant processing capacity is 1200 t/d. 2x600 t/d mechanical grate incineration lines are constructed, equipped with 2x12 MW steam turbine units. The FGC adopted the process of "SNCR renovation + dry deacidification SDS + activated carbon injection (not contractor scope) + bag filter (not contractor scope) + SGH steam-gas-heater + low-temperature SCR + catalyst from Mitsubishi Heavy Industry". It is an EPC project of Huaxing.

The achievements of Huaxing East in Hebei Province include Baoding phase I & II, Hengshui, Anping, Dingzhou, Cangzhou phase I, Shijiazhuang, Caofeidian, Weichang, Shunping, Tangshan phase I & II, North Zhangjiakou, Gu'an, Xianghe, Luanzhou, Shahe, Xia Nenxin of Shijiazhuang, etc.