The flue gas cleaning project of the municipal solid waste incineration power generation project in Ankang City, Shanxi Province, undertaken by our company, started construction on March 8, 2024.

该项目设计规模为日处理生活垃圾1200吨,新建2×600 t/d机械炉排焚烧炉+2×12MW次高压中温凝汽式汽轮发电机组;协同处理市政污水厂污泥100吨/天(含水率60%),干化后掺烧处理。烟气处理采用“炉内SNCR(尿素)+半干法(旋转喷雾Ca(OH)2)+干法(Ca(OH)2)+活性炭吸附+袋式除尘+飞灰输送、存储及稳定化工艺+SGH+SCR”的烟气净化工艺,为我司EPC工程。
The project is designed to process 1200 tons of household waste per day, with the construction of 2 × 600 t/d mechanical grate incinerators and 2 × 12MW sub high pressure medium temperature condensing steam turbine generators; Collaborative treatment of 100 tons/day (with a moisture content of 60%) of sludge from municipal sewage plants, followed by co firing treatment after drying. The flue gas cleaning process of "SNCR (urea)+semi dry method (rotating spray Ca (OH) 2)+dry method (Ca (OH) 2)+activated carbon adsorption+bag type dust removal+fly ash transportation, storage and stabilization process+SGH+SCR" is adopted for flue gas treatment, which is our EPC project.

Huaxing's performance in Shanxi Province includes: Xianyang Xingping, Xi'an Gaoling, Xi'an Xixian, Ankang, etc.