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analytica (Munich) | 2020慕尼黑国际分析生化博览会与您相约线上

2020-09-03 13:47 来源:出展慕尼黑 

10月19-23日,analytica virtual将面向全球开放


慕尼黑博览集团将通过全新线上展会平台analytica virtual举办全球重要的实验室技术、分析及生物技术盛会。analytica virtual将于2020年10月19-23日举行,面向全球展商开放数字化展位申请。与此同时,大量在线专业讲座及活动将同期举办,为所有展商和观众提供理想的交流平台。

今年三月,慕尼黑博览集团与analytica (Munich) 展商顾问委员会协商后,决定将展会的举办时间从原先的四月推迟到十月份。截至七月下旬,尽管非欧洲国家的入境限制仍未取消,展商的参展热情依旧高涨。因此,主办方将观众推广重点放在了欧洲市场。“自八月起,欧洲的情况一直在变化,而这也影响到了我们的展商和观众,”慕尼黑博览集团董事会副主席Reinhard Pfeiffer博士表示,“种种迹象表明,来自analytica (Munich)欧洲市场的观众可能无法莅临展会现场。在这样的情况下,如果依旧于十月份在德国慕尼黑举办线下展会,将无法满足展商和观众对展会国际化的期待,也与展会的核心理念背道而驰。因此,应众多展商要求,我们决定启动全新数字化平台——慕尼黑国际分析生化博览会线上展会(analytica virtual)。”


目前,部分企业对员工实行旅行禁令,一些国家对入境德国亦有限制。与此同时,德国政府于八月再度颁布禁令,限制某些国家进入德国,包括法国部分地区(如巴黎周边)、比利时(安特卫普、布鲁塞尔)和西班牙(整个西班牙大陆及巴利阿里群岛),这些都是analytica (Munich)重要展商及观众的来源地。

尤其是在过去的两周,analytica (Munich)项目团队收到了大量欧洲展商的反馈,他们表示去德国慕尼黑参展的可能性不大。许多德国展商也表达了担忧,认为仅有一小部分的预期观众能莅临德国慕尼黑参观。

对此,analytica (Munich)展商顾问委员会主席、奥林巴斯(Olympus)生命科学产品销售负责人Siegbert Holtermüller表示:“当初推迟举办analytica (Munich)展会的决定是正确的。然而,基于目前客观条件的限制,我们不得不重新评估现状。analytica (Munich)是全球业界翘首以盼的行业盛会。由于新颁布的旅行限制令,很多观众无法莅临慕尼黑观展。在这样的情况下,主办方慕尼黑博览集团灵活应对、迅速反应,推出线上展会平台analytica virtual,为行业提供了一个理想的展示及交流平台,这是大家都喜闻乐见的。”


目前,analytica (Munich)项目团队正全力将八月份启动的analytica virtual扩展成面向全球实验室行业的数字化博览会,提供尽可能多的服务内容及形式,保持analytica (Munich)数十年来的一贯特色。该线上展会analytica virtual的平台搭建方为Lumitos公司。

analytica virtual将全天24小时提供服务,以便全球各个时区的观众参与。在数字化展位上,展商可以展示面向化学、生物技术、制药和食品等应用领域的创新实验室、分析产品及技术。观众可以体验在线产品演示、资料一键下载,并通过文字、音频和视频等聊天功能与展商建立直接联系。此外,analytica virtual还将同步上演网络研讨会、专家讲座和大部分同期活动。其中,重要的活动可以分时段进行重复播放。

数字化转型特别展示也是此次线上展会的亮点之一。该活动将由企业代表和科学家共同演示八大工作流程,展示全新的实验室自动化技术。analytica (Munich)同期会议亦将在线举办,众多国际顶级学者的倾情发言将确保大会的专业水准。

analytica全球系列展下一站——慕尼黑上海分析生化展(analytica China),2020年11月16-18日,上海新国际博览中心,敬请关注。更多信息,访问www.analyticachina.com.cn了解。

  • analytica virtual to take the place of the presence fair in Munich

  • Virtual laboratory fair intended to achieve global reach

  • Supporting program with special show Digital Transformation and analytica conference

This year, Messe München is hosting the world’s leading trade fair for laboratory technology, analysis and biotechnology as a virtual event. The new format analytica virtual will enable exhibitors to book digital trade fair booths for October 19 to 23. Furthermore, it offers all customers additional opportunities for exchange and networking. Large parts of the lecture and supporting program will also be available in digital form.

In coordination with the analytica advisory board, in March 2020 the decision was made to postpone the trade fair from April 2020 to October 2020. As late as July, exhibitor interest in a presence fair was very high, even though the hopefor relaxation of travel restrictions from non-European ries failed to materialize. Visitor promotion was then focused on the European market again. “Unfortunately, particularly in Europe a development has begun in the weeks of August that affects exhibitor and visitor markets directly,” says Dr. Reinhard Pfeiffer, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Messe München. “News came from important European analytica core markets that trade fair visits would not be able to take place. A presence fair in October would therefore have fallen far short of the requirements of the participants with regard to the internationality of analytica, disappointed the expectations of visitors and exhibitors even in Corona times, and damaged the core of the event. A digital platform is now the alternative, which many exhibitors have also advocated.”

New travel restrictions for European ries in August

In addition to travel bans that companies are currently imposing on their employees and the restrictions on travel to Germany that states have introduced, in August the Federal Republic of Germany also made it more difficult to enter Germany from some states. These include regions in France (such as the area around Paris), Belgium (Antwerp, Brussels) and Spain (the entire mainland and Balearic Islands), which are among the most important exhibitor and visitor ries at analytica.

In the last two weeks in particular, the analytica team received extremely large numbers of notes from European exhibitors regarding the impracticability of their trade fair participation. Many German exhibitors understandably voiced their concerns that only a small portion of the expected visitors would come to analytica.

“The original decision to postpone the analytica was correct. However, with external conditions having deteriorated sharply recently, reassessment of the situation is inevitable. analytica is the leading international trade fair. Many participants would have been unable to come to Munich because of newly introduced travel restrictions. We are glad that Messe München has reacted flexibly and quickly and in the form of analytica virtual offers the proper concept for 2020,” emphasizes Siegbert Holtermüller, Chairman of analytica’s Exhibitor Advisory Board and Head of Sales Life Sciences at Olympus.

Online trade fair with virtual booths and supporting program

The analytica project team is now working on expanding the analytica virtual format launched in August into a globally visible digital trade fair for the laboratory industry, reflecting as many offers and formats as possible that have been distinguishing analytica in Munich for decades. analytica virtual is being realized in close cooperation with Lumitos AG.

analytica virtual will be available 24 hours a day in order to enable visitors in all time zones to participate. On virtual exhibition booths, exhibitors will present novel products and product innovations from all areas of laboratory and analytical technology for the target industries of chemistry, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and food. Visitors can experience product presentations, download flyers and contact the respective exhibitor directly via a text, audio and video chat function. In addition, web seminars, specialist lectures and a large part of the supporting program will be available via the platform. Important program items will be repeated at various times of the day.

The highlights will include the globally unique special show Digital Transformation, in which companies and scientists have realized eight workflows to present the state of the art in laboratory automation. The analytica conference will likewise take place in a purely virtual manner in 2020 and can thus maintain its high professional level with international top speakers.

For further information, please go to www.analytica.de.

原标题:analytica (Munich) | 2020慕尼黑国际分析生化博览会与您相约线上




