The flue gas cleaning (FGC) project constructed by Huaxing East for Yangquan, Shanxi waste-to-energy plant passed 72+24 hours trial operation on July 1, 2021.

In the phase I project, two 550 t/d fluidized bed MSW incinerator and one 15MW steam turbine will be established. Moreover, space for expansion of 1×550 t/d fluidized bed MSW incinerator and 1×15MW steam turbine will be reserved. FGC applied limestone powder injection + Circulating fluidized bed semi-dry method + bag house filter + hydrated lime powder conveying and storage + activated carbon storage and injection + process water system + pneumatic ash conveying + Fly ash stabilization . It is an EPC project of Huaxing East.

Huaxing East's achievements in Shanxi Province include: Taiyuan, Jinzhong,Yangquan,Yuncheng,Fenyangetc.