the total plant processing capacity is 1200 t/d. 2x600 t/d mechanical grate incineration lines are constructed
枣阳飞行培训与航空教育基地项目77 新塬高性能纳米材料及设备制造生产项目基地78 程力集团高端专用车产业链超级工厂项目79 生物基新材料产业园建设项目80 华中医药产业园三期建设项目81 益佳通4gwh工业动力锂电池电芯及pack
the total design capacity of the project is 500 tons of household waste per day. the related construction
purification center was completed and put into operation in mar 2022, with two facilities with a processing capacity
the design capacity of the project is 700 tons of household waste per day equipped with a 700t/d mechanical
manufacturing with multiple technical solutions, high manufacturing standards and sufficient production capacity
烟气净化采用“sncr(非本次合同范围内)+半干法(旋转雾化半干反应塔)+干法(喷射消石灰)+活性炭喷射+袋式除尘器”的烟气净化工艺,为我司设备供货工程the designing capacity of
the designing capacity of the project is 500 tons of household waste per day equipped with 1x500t/d mechanical
the total household waste treatment capacity of this project is 800 t/d and the construction will be...implemented in two phases. the first phase of construction and treatment capacity is 400t/d, equipped
the designing capacity of this project is 600 tons of household waste per day, equipped with 2×300t/d
the design capacity of the project is 600 tons of household waste per day. therell be two waste incineration
the design capacity of the project is 600 tons of household waste per day. therell be two waste incineration
the total capacity of the project is 800-ton per day of household waste.the construction of the whole...project will be separated into two phases. the capacity of the first phase (current phase) is 400t/d
项目一期投资规模约20亿元,预计年产值11 亿元以上,规划建设年产1万吨的钠电池正极材料生产线、年产1gwh的电芯生产线、年产2gwh的钠电池pack集成制造基地及储能电站基础建设、220kv变电站1座
该项目由metro pacific investment corporation委托,将成为菲律宾同类设施中最大的海水淡化厂,每天生产淡水约6.65万立方米,为近5万户家庭提供饮用水服务,并为附近一家发电厂提供工业用水
the total processing capacity of this project is 1200t/d, and a 2x600t/d mechanical grate waste incineration