(slaked lime slurry)+ dry method (slaked lime spray)+ activated carbon spray + bag dust collector +scr...the treatment process of "sncr (ammonia water)+ high molecular denitrification (reserved)+ semi-dry method
(rotary atomization semi-dry reactor) + dry method (spray slaking lime) + activated carbon spray + bag...×12mw pure condensing turbine. flue gas treatment adopts the flue gas cleaning process of "semi-dry method
(rotating atomized semi-dry reactor) + dry method (spray slaking lime) + activated carbon spray + bag...generator set. the flue gas cleaning process of "sncr (exclude the scope of the contract) + semi-dry method
generator set. the flue gas treatment adopts the flue gas cleaning process of "sncr+ rotary spray semi-dry method
据同兴环保消息,近日,同兴环保首次进入泰国市场,成功签约delta daiki metal(thailand)co., ltd.再生铝双室熔炼炉脱硝设备项目,为其提供环保设备+低温脱硝催化剂+指导安装等成套服务...delta daiki metal (thailand) co., ltd.于2023年在泰国成立,由香港大正金属(控股)有限公司与日本株式会社大纪铝工业所共同投资建立,年产能十万吨再生铝合金锭。
treatment lines. the original flue gas treatment includes the treatment process of "sncr+ semi-dry method...+ dry method + activated carbon spraying + bag material of dust collector". the upgrading flue gas cleaning
4.1 投标报名凡有意参加本项目的潜在投标人,自2024年09月27日至2024年10月11日17:00止登陆“中国五矿集团有限公司采购电子商务平台”(下称“五矿采购平台”,https://ec.minmetals.com.cn
treatment lines. the original flue gas treatment includes the treatment process of "sncr+ semi-dry method...+ dry method + activated carbon spraying + bag material of dust collector". the upgrading flue gas cleaning
+ dry spraying method + activated carbon adsorption + bag dust collector +1#ggh + wet deacidification...this waste incinerator kit is 1×300t/d. the flue gas treatment includes"sncr+ rotary spray semi-dry method
15874858597电子邮箱:136658578@qq.com招标代理 单位名称:广东省机电设备招标有限公司经办人:于红梅、黄志轩办公电话:020-83545535手机号码:13538977604电子邮箱 gmetb3
(rotating spray ca (oh) 2)+dry method (ca (oh) 2)+activated carbon adsorption+bag type dust removal+...followed by co firing treatment after drying. the flue gas cleaning process of "sncr (urea)+semi dry method
removal project. the flue gas treatment adopts the flue gas cleaning process of "sncr+sda semi-dry method
该项目由metro pacific investment corporation委托,将成为菲律宾同类设施中最大的海水淡化厂,每天生产淡水约6.65万立方米,为近5万户家庭提供饮用水服务,并为附近一家发电厂提供工业用水
, including 26,723 square meters of new plant b...hongfeng road in hudai industrial park, binhu district, wuxi city, with a total area of 30,475 square meters
展会介绍俄罗斯第14届国际天气气候水/地球观测/绿色经济展览会暨论坛将于2024年10月29日至31日在俄罗斯圣彼得堡博览会论坛会展中心举行,由俄罗斯水文气象学会主办,俄罗斯联邦水文气象局(roshydromet...02论坛及展览主要亮点● 全国统一气象水文大会(numhc-8)同步举行● 国际会议,纪念俄罗斯国家水文气象局(roshydromet)成立190周年● 独联体及金砖国家水文气象部门代表团出席大会03论坛及展览主要看点
+ fixed spray system + dry method + activated carbon injection + bag dust collector + fly ash transportation
+ fixed spray system + dry method + activated carbon injection + bag dust collector + fly ash transportation
adopts the flue gas cleaning process of "sncr (not within the scope of this contract)+sda semi dry method...+dry method+activated carbon injection+bag filter+fly ash conveying and storage", which is our epc project
in addition to traditional mechanical conveying, precise metering and feeding, atomizers and electronic
supporting flue gas cleaning treatment line. this flue gas cleaning process adopts "pncr+sda semi-dry method
of the thai government, adjacent to lam chabang port. flue gas treatment adopts "high-efficiency dry method
(rotating spray reaction tower) + dry method (injection of calcium hydroxide) + activated carbon injection...phase project is 800 tons/day. the flue gas treatment adopts the flue gas cleaning process of "semi-dry method
+dry method +activated carbon injection+bag dust removal+fly ash transportation, storage and stabilization...constructed in two phases. the flue gas treatment adopts the flue gas purification process of "sncr +semi dry method