protection technology co., ltd.) has been approved as the national standard. it will be implemented
method (rotary atomization semi-dry reactor) + dry method (spray slaking lime) + activated carbon spray...hepts reference in hunan includes: the phase ii&iii projects in changde, projects in shimen, shaoyang
of "sda rotary spray (deacidification) + dry spray system + activated carbon spray system + bag dust...collector + fly ash transportation, storage and stabilization process", which is an epc project by huaxing
protection technologies的首字母简称,也是hybrid eco-friendly programme table混合环保项目平台的简称。...the new logo "hept" is not only the acronym of the company name huaxing-east environment protection technologies
of "sncr (exclude the scope of the contract) + semi-dry method (rotating atomized semi-dry reactor)..., shaoyang, wugang shaoyang, hengyang, changning hengyang and many other projects.
as well as the second class qualification for professional contracting of environmental protection engineering
of "in-furnace denitrification (sncr) + rotating spray reaction tower + dry spray system + activated...the flue gas cleaning project of xiapu household waste incineration power generation project in ningde
其中预处理格栅系统采用汉斯琥珀(huber)的粗格栅trashlift/20mm+转鼓细格栅rotamat ro2/5mm及其配套栅渣压榨机。
+ rotary spray semi-dry method + dry spraying method + activated carbon adsorption + bag dust collector...huaxing easts projects achieved in hebei province include: baoding phase i & phase ii, hengshui, anping
of "sncr (urea)+semi dry method (rotating spray ca (oh) 2)+dry method (ca (oh) 2)+activated carbon adsorption
of "sncr denitration+rotary spray semi dry deacidification system+dry deacidification+activated carbon...the flue gas cleaning project of songming municipal solid waste incineration power generation project
district, wuxi city for a registration project: environmental protection special equipment manufacturing
of "sncr denitrification + rotating spray reaction tower + semi-dry method + fixed spray system + dry...the flue gas cleaning project of changting household waste incineration power generation project in longyan
flue gas cleaning standard improvement system uses "sncr + semi-dry rotary atomizer deacidification
汉斯琥珀(huber)将为本项目的第一阶段提供16台huber换热器rowin机组,size 8和3台huber泵站格栅rotamat rok4 700 xl机组。
of "sncr denitrification + rotating spray reaction tower + semi-dry method + fixed spray system + dry...the flue gas cleaning project of the changting domestic waste incineration power generation project in
, the sewage pipe network overflows, and the tailwater discharge cannot meet the new environmental protection
east environmental protection, anhui zhongyi environmental protection, from china, hitachi zosen corporation
protection policies and the continuous development of new international processes, it continues to provide