the design scale of this project is 1200 tons of household waste incineration per day. the incineration
the design scale of this incineration project is 600-ton per day, equipped with 1x600t/d incinerator
the total design capacity of the project is 500 tons of household waste per day. the related construction
the design capacity of the project is 700 tons of household waste per day equipped with a 700t/d mechanical
( high-efficiency trailblazing carbon-reducing design 高效新型低碳工艺 简称“htcd” )the 2024 china environmental...(high-efficiency trailblazing carbon-reducing design)此次博览会不仅汇聚了国内外环境卫生领域的专家学者和企业代表,还集中展示了最新的技术成果和行业趋势
. besides, it is integrated into the company’s slogan "engineering a cleaner tomorrow", which, we are thrilled to announce that - the brand-new logo of huaxing east, which, through ingenious design
烟气净化采用“sncr(非本次合同范围内)+半干法(旋转雾化半干反应塔)+干法(喷射消石灰)+活性炭喷射+袋式除尘器”的烟气净化工艺,为我司设备供货工程the designing capacity of
the designing capacity of the project is 500 tons of household waste per day equipped with 1x500t/d mechanical
the designing capacity of this project is 600 tons of household waste per day, equipped with 2×300t/d
the design capacity of the project is 600 tons of household waste per day. therell be two waste incineration
the design capacity of the project is 600 tons of household waste per day. therell be two waste incineration
项目获省住房和城乡建设厅宜居范例奖、意大利国际设计大赛金奖(adesign award)。 深能环保作为行业内固废处理“先行示范”践行者,积极倡导“建一座工厂,还一个公园”的环保理念。
the total design scale of the project is 300 tons of domestic waste per day, and the supporting construction
the project is designed to process 1200 tons of household waste per day, with the construction of 2 ×
the project is designed to process 400 tons of domestic waste per day and is equipped with a 1×400t/d
2020年以后,绿色可持续修复相关评估体系和实践应用基本成熟,随着全球应对气候变化需求日益迫切,土壤污染治理逐步进入可持续韧性修复(sustainable resilient remediation)时期
the project is designed to process 400 tons of domestic waste per day and is equipped with a 1×400t/d
the design scale of this project is to process 600tonnes of household waste per day, equipped with 1x600t
关键词:cass升级改造;ao-mbrdesignof a2o-mbr processfor cass pool expansion and reconstructionabstract: in view
with dry process, semi-dry process, wet process, scr, high-efficiency trailblazing carbon-reducing design...catalyst) systems were put into operation in 2014, customers application of importedow-temperature sulfur-resistantcatal
the project is designed to incinerate 750 tons of domestic waste per day, with a reserved construction
and road, and vigorously expanded overseas markets. multiple projects have been implemented in indonesia
the project has a total designed daily incineration capacity of 1,600 tons of domestic waste per will be constructed in two phases. the first phase has a designed processing capacity of 800 tons